Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ...

You want to know before visiting the Islamic nation manners and rules ...

Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ... I did not know! Actually friendly Islam to others. I did not know! Actually friendly Islam to others. View map In Islam century, it was born in the current Saudi Arabia of Mecca. Hitting the Bible of the place referred to in the Christian is the Quran (also referred to as the Koran). In the current Middle East, North Africa, it is widely faith, such as Asia, but has been a believer in the largest in the world there are many, in the near future, and is expected to will the current number of believers pull out the largest number of Christianity. In other words, to know Islam, I understanding of your journey is more deepen it. Muslims must make the faith act, called the Five Elements. . Confession of faith (shahada) that faith in Allah as the only God . Worship (Sarato) to pray daily times . Charity (zakat) poor subjected to that in person . Fasting (Saumu) Do not eat, drink during the day of the month of Ramadan . Pilgrimage (Hajj) to the pilgrimage to Mecca The holy month of month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims are said to have billion people in the world enters the pilgrimage! Muslims around the world aim to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.