Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ...

Strengthening Hotwire Japan Malaysia precepts of Islam

Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ... Muslims became clear that you can not participate in the performances of the Black Eyed Peas performed in Kuala Lumpur to date. The reason is because the sponsor of the event is of Guinness. Muslim, which accounts for 0 of the population of 000,000 in Malaysia, are supposed to follow the law that has been laid down by the State and the Sharia. Specific methods to forcibly enforce such a ban has remained still uncertain. Malaysia has become raise the country in the last few years than Islam, recently also just be convicted is widely reported in the news drinking old woman in the Sharia court is the beer (in Islam but drinking that are prohibited, but in Malaysia had been seen tolerated up to now). This woman who was ordered to punishment of fine and times of whiplash of the yen, the fine is a situation that has been paid whiplash is postponed. State that defines a whiplash among Malaysia 0 provinces One of punishment has remained in the state.