Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ...

And Muslim [precepts] that drink live between [doctrinaire] | FUTURUS ...

Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ... Anger of Hariruhojitchi Vahid Halilhodžić director of the men's soccer Japan representative is a Muslim born in Herzegovina region. When Hariruhojitchi Mr. had served as a director of the Algerian representative, it has been this kind of question at a press conference. [Or players of Muslims, will perform the fasting? ] On the other hand, Hariruhojitchi Mr. was furious. Do not follow or follow the religious precepts, it was abandoned off the last of the players own private problems. Hariruhojitchi said once, is multiplied lost their lives to experience the Bosnia conflict. Love soccer, he has been playing both Catholics and Orthodox believers, are well aware of the stupidity of the religious wars. Then, the cause of religious wars is also that it's a result that people fell into extreme dogmatism. Faith of the way is a person to person. There is no room to intervene the opinion of others in there. For such obvious things, Hariruhojitchi said he was Arage a voice. Drinking is a versa.