Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ...

Islam is | religion Japan Muslim Association

Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ... . Beginning of faith There is a good anecdote to admonish a thing called faith. People who file full Al Dean Al error Zui a great Islamic scholar of the century there were. He one day, that when walking is surrounded by disciples of dozens of people through the streets of the city, one of the old woman came from the opposite direction. Then one of the disciples, [Hey, Akero the bottom of the road, here'll is the One who can answer the question of thousand related to Allah] was told. To not bite the bullet the old woman is also a little bit against it, [I have unexpected know nothing, but one also question does not have to Allah] answered. Arurazui to hear it is hanging his head in front of the old woman, it was allowed to open the way to his disciples. The heart in place to believe in the free, it can be said that there is a faith of the essence. [Sardines of the head from the faith] to say, have found a unique value to believe earnestly just from the old days in Japan. But is the ability to life is also given to the people to overlay a variety of meditation at the same time.