Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ...

Kanda University of International Studies eclipse of Islam Festival ...

Whether Muslim Why protect the precepts? | Mima examine that to be ... Kanda University of International Studies: Student cafeteria [God Of Cookery] of (Mihama-ku, Chiba City / President Sakai KuniWataru), the date the NPO Chiba Islamic Cultural Center and the NPO Japan Asia Halal Association (NAHA) parties sponsored by a Ramadan to be held a dinner to celebrate one of the Islam of the two festival [Eid Alfie torr]. [Eid] than be held on fasting dawn of Islam, we perform prayers early in the morning, under the guise of best clothes, ones that take the feast to celebrate the national holiday. This time of the dinner possible participation of the general population in shall be carried out in order to gain a better understanding of Muslim precepts and meal. Through Halal diet consistent with the precepts of Islam, is carried out in the spirit of wanting to deepen the understanding of different cultures. [God Of Cookery] is established as a concept the place to learn the Asian language and culture] through a particularly indispensable [food] Among the [culture] of food, clothing and shelter.